Detoxer Juice Submitted by Ryan Evans

Ryan Evans with his green juice

Ryan Evans over recent years, has turned his back on every unhealthy aspect of his life, getting rid of anything negative and toxic. He now lives a beautiful life of appreciation, happiness, and health – whilst running a business and living in the real world. It can be done!

His formal training as a nutritionist has been strengthened by studying (and a lot of personal discovery) into holistic practices and health hacks including gut health, sleep hygiene, nutrition, yoga, meditation, light therapy, and reducing stress to an absolute minimum.

Ryan strongly believes physical health has to start from the inside. We can all achieve our full potential if we are willing to take a deep and honest look at the unhealthy habits and toxic influences surrounding us. It’s easy and enjoyable when you have a good mentor on your side.

This juice recipe is an all around detoxifier in a glass, full of chlorophyll for all those red blood cells and calming inflammation which we can all do with in a very toxic world, the lime helps flush and stimulate the lymphatic system as well as stimulate bile which is makes a huge impact of the rest of our microbiome diversity. The antimicrobial properties of ginger & garlic, reducing inflammation and infections as well as kill off any candida & fungal overgrowth.

To learn more about Ryan, be sure to check out his holistic health coaching  website here and inspirational Instagram page here.


  • 1 small piece ginger
  • 1 whole bunch celery
  • 2 x garlic bulbs
  • 1 x lime (with skin)
  • 2 x carrots
  • 1 x green apple
  • 1 x tsp spirulina
  • 1 x tsp turmeric


  1. Use the fine juicing screen and turn your juicer on.
  2. Alternate between juicing the different fruits and vegetables, and use the plunger to push the ingredients down.
  3. Mix in the turmeric and spirulina at the end once all vegetables and fruits have been juiced.
  4. Once juiced store in a sealed jar or bottle in the fridge.
  5. Happy Juicing!
  • Overall
Comments Rating 5 (1 review)

1 Review/Comment to “Detoxer Juice”

  1. A regular recipe for us!


    We make this recipe a lot in our household! We like it extra spicy so add in a lot of ginger! Probably not the best recipe if you hate garlic though.

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