Raw Witches Fingers Submitted by Claire Walters - Raw Blend

Our Raw Witch Fingers recipe is the perfect raw food snack to serve your guests at your next spooky celebration!



  • 1 cup walnuts
  • 1 cup activated almonds
  • 1 cup shredded coconut
  • 1/2 cup raw honey or organic maple syrup or raw coconut nectar
  • pinch cinnamon
  • 1 tsp organic vanilla paste
  • pinch Himalayan sea salt
  • blanched almonds for the “fingernails”
  • spirulina powder (for the green fingers)


Brown Fingers

  1. Pulse the walnuts in your Vitamix Dry Container until they form a nice “breadcrumb” consistency. Put them into a large bowl. You might need to scrape down the sides and bottom edges with a spatula in between pulses.
  2. Pulse your activated almonds in your Vitamix Dry Container until they form a nice “breadcrumb” consistency. You might need to scrape down the sides and bottom edges with a spatula in between pulses. Place almond mixture into the bowl with the ground walnuts.
  3. Add to your nut mixture your liquid sweetener of choice, coconut, vanilla paste, sea salt and cinnamon and mix really well. Don’t be scared to get your hands dirty!
  4. Start moulding pieces of your dough into fingers and use a knife to create the knuckle wrinkles. This can be fiddly but fun! You can definitely get the kids to help!
  5. Once all the dough has been moulded, place your “fingers” onto your Sedona Trays using the Silicone Drying Sheet and dehydrate on high, 65 degrees Celsius, for 2 hours.
  6. After 2 hours, lower the temperature to 45 degrees Celsius and dehydrate for roughly 24 hours.

Green Fingers

  1. Follow the steps above for the brown fingers.
  2. After step 3, mix 2 tsp Spirulina Powder really well with a glass of water.
  3. Add about 2 Tbsp of the green “food dye” to your dough and mix really well.
  4. Proceed with Step 4 from above.
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