This is a very common question here in the Raw Blend office so I thought why not blog all about Food Dehydrating? It’s becoming more and more popular in the mainstream health market so it’s best to clear up some common misconceptions.
Month: February 2015
It’s that time of year again! Where one specific day can sometimes make or break a relationship! Well…maybe not break a relationship but who out there has started a riff with their partner for simply forgetting this day? Come on people… we’re only human! Hug it out.
Today i am making for you a raw creamy spinach dip. Spinach is so so good for and is filled with chlorophyll – the closest thing to human blood and this recipe uses a lot of it!
White Chocolate Cherry Cups
A simple recipe that’s tasty and a healthy alternative to when you are craving something sweet! Whip them up last minute when you have unexpected guests or to have as something in your fridge when you really need to hit that sweet craving.
Jessica Donovan is a woman’s holistic health expert who helps mums get their sparkle back and become a more energetic, calm and joyful version of themselves. She is a one stop shop for all things nutrition, stress and hormone related.