DIY Strawberry Jam
14 Oct

DIY Strawberry Jam

Nothing beats a well made and super tasty Berry Jam that is packed with flavour and goodness! It’s a great staple for many recipes, especially desserts and hey… I know we’re all guilty of eating it off the spoon with some freshly made peanut butter (or nut/seed butter of choice). I’m a huge fan of strawberries so this recipe has been made using strawberries however, feel free to use any berry that hits the spot! Blueberries, raspberries, blackberries or even test the waters with a mixed berry jam! RADICAL!

Today though, I am keeping it simple and low in budget. I’ve seen a lot of recipes using dates and added sweeteners so it is really up to you to whether or not you want something really sweet. If your strawberries aren’t very sweet you might want to put some Rice Malt Syrup in to suit your taste buds or some fresh medjool dates.

DIY Strawberry Jam

Submitted by Claire @ Team Raw Blend
Makes: 400mls
Serves: 4-6 people

Equipment needed:


  • 2 cups strawberries (fresh or frozen and thawed)
  • 2 tblsp water
  • 2 tblsp chia seeds
  • Optional: liquid sweetener of choice (RMS, Honey, Maple Syrup, date paste etc. )


  1. Place your strawberries into your 2L Vitamix wet container and secure the lid.
  2. Turn your variable speed onto 1 and then slowly move up to about variable speed 8. Stop blending once your have reached a nice mushy consistency however, still with some chunks. Do not blend until your strawberries are a puree. Consider this a rough chop instead of a blend.
  3. Add in your water, chia seeds and desired sweetener and blend on variable speed 8. Use your tamper to help move the ingredients around. Stop blending when everything is incorporated. Do not blend into a puree!
  4. Place your jam mixture into Glass jars and place in the fridge for at least 1 hour to set.
  5. Enjoy as you would regular jam.
  6. Your jam should last for about 1 week in the fridge.

I used frozen strawberries for this recipe and pureed them before hand so I got more of a chia pudding consistency but trust me… it tasted amazing on some fresh bread and straight off the spoon.

If you have fresh strawberries it will be a lot easier to roughly chop them to give you more of a chunky strawberry jam.

A wonderful idea would be to whip up a few batches of this and serve in decorated Mason Jars for friends and family. Nothing beats a surprise gift!

Happy Blending!

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