G’day guys! I’m super excited to introduce to you our February Featured Friend to you… our very own, super talented and beautiful Raw Blend Rockstar… the amazing Ameka Benton. Ameka is a long time friend of mine and a true inspiration to me and everything we do at Raw Blend. Ameka is a blogger, motivator,
Tag: Featured Friend
Elizabeth Galleghan is a qualified Beauty Therapist, Health Coach and Nutritionist who specialises in natural beauty treatments using fresh, organic food and we are thrilled to have her as our first Featured Friend for 2017.
Chris Cavanagh is an endurance athlete, a MKR Star (that’s My Kitchen Rules for those of you who have been living under a rock) and the creator behind Panache Desserts. Raw, Organic, Vegan, Gluten Free deliciousness!
Sally Brouwer is a mum to 6 year old triplets, a full time Police Officer, runs her own fitness business “Sally Brouwer fitness” and is on the Board of Directors for the “Blue Sky Foundation” charity. Last year her babies started school and she was also awarded Australian PT of the year from Ultra Fitness
Meet Angela Simson. A mumma, wife, speaker, health coach and all around self love junkie. She is the founder of The Gratitude Project and your silver-lining-exposing, gratitude-pushing bestie that wants everyone to have the best life they can.
Carla Oates, known as ‘The Beauty Chef’, is a naturalist who is passionate about nature and the profound synergy we share with it. Based in Sydney’s Bondi Beach, Carla has been researching, writing and teaching about organic beauty and health for the last fifteen years.
Anna Weatherlake is a health and plant-based nutrition coach, Earth by Anna blogger, traveller, journalism and politics graduate, animal advocate and eco-warrior.
Rowena Jayne, “Real Food Yogi” is a Leading International Yoga Instructor, Author, Raw Food Chef and Wellness Presenter. She is a qualified Naturopath and Nutritionist and has studied Ayurvedic Medicine.
Jessica Donovan is a woman’s holistic health expert who helps mums get their sparkle back and become a more energetic, calm and joyful version of themselves. She is a one stop shop for all things nutrition, stress and hormone related.
Last month we introduced you to Therese Kerr, mum of Miranda and Matthew Kerr, a Visionary, Public Speaker, Author and advocate for holistic family health. Therese takes a holistic approach to life. Not only does she create her amazing Divine By Therese Kerr range of certified organic personal care, soon to be released certified organic