Nut Allergies! Need I say more? They can be horrible especially with the little ones at school.
Tag: vegan
Rawpple Pie!
Who doesn’t love apple pie? Anyone? No one? Thought so 😉 Why not try a super yummy RAW version and say no to the junk food varieties that are stuffed with everything BUT apples.
Ooodles of Noodles
It’s time to get rid of the refined junk and try something different!
Vegan Burger Pattie Recipe
Yeah.. you heard me… Burger time! This super yummy burger pattie has a base of almonds, pistachios and pecans! I’m not joking… so say goodbye to the store bought junk with unknown fillers… Unless you have found yourself a good brand vegetarian/vegan burger patty. Even if you are a meat eater this is a great
Iron helps us play!
Iron certainly does help us play and being the central part of haemoglobin, which carries oxygen in the blood, Iron is super important! Anaemia, which is a deficiency in Iron is a worldwide health problem especially common in young women and children with symptoms including fatigue, pale skin, weakness and inability to maintain body temperature.
Meat FREE Protein
With the growing expansion of Vegetarians, Vegans and Raw Foodists in today’s society, we have begun investigating more and more the diet of a human being, our amazing body capabilities and what we need to maintain a healthy mind, body and soul. Protein is one of those important substances that our bodies need. Protein becomes