That word, say it clear now … L.O.V.E – love! I am not talking about the rockmelons song lovers, but I do want you to sing the word L.O.V.E to the skies. Self-love that is. Say it clear, say it loud, say it proud I LOVE me! Okay, I’ll admit it feels a little strange
Tag: love
It’s that time of year again! Where one specific day can sometimes make or break a relationship! Well…maybe not break a relationship but who out there has started a riff with their partner for simply forgetting this day? Come on people… we’re only human! Hug it out.
Introducing Emily from Soul Balance Retreats & Wellbeing. An Osteopath, Pilates Instructor and Business Owner – turned Health Coach, Retreat facilitator and motivational speaker. Emily has spent the majority of the last 8 years running her 2 Osteopathic Clinics in Melbourne, but more recently made the shift to the next chapter of her career to
Be The Best Version of You!
Most of us will have big goals and big dreams for 2015 (don’t we every year?) But did you know that the most important key to succeeding is YOU? Yep… that’s right … Little ol’ you! Think about it … how many super successful, bursting with love, inspiring and motivating people do you know that
My friends in the USA are celebrating Thanksgiving today – and while we don’t celebrate this holiday here in Australia, I thought it was the perfect time to encourage all of us all to practice the act of gratitude (same, same but different).